Global Future



There Is An Alternative

Federalists and other defeatists kid themselves
that there is no alternative to being in the EU.
So what if Britain decided to make a clean break with the EU?

  • Let's take Britain's international trade as a whole (visibles plus invisibles). Over 50% is with the rest of the world outside the EU*, and it's profitable. Much of our trade with the EU is simply due to geographical closeness - in previous centuries over 70% was with our neighbours. Over 85% of our economy is trade within the UK or with non-EU countries.

    If we left the EU, we would be protected by World Trade Organisation (GATT) agreements, which have been bringing trade barriers down for forty years.

    Switzerland has prospered without ever being in the EU. Like her, we could negotiate a free-trade agreement with the EU. The cash-strapped continental economies would not cut off one of their largest markets.

  • The 1994 Department of Trade & Industry Report listed twelve factors as to why we were the favourite target in Europe for foreign investment. Membership of the EU was not considered worth a mention.

    Outside the EU, we would benefit from assets such as the English language, the City of London, advanced telecommunications, a skilled workforce, our favourable time zone at 'the heart of the world economy', relatively light regulation and honest institutions.

  • As a free nation, Britain would have a lot more influence than if it were bound by artificial treaties. For instance we would no longer be bound not to oppose the foreign policy 'Europe' wants if it's not suitable for us.

    Britain is a member of the Commonwealth, NATO, the World Trade Organisation and G8 - that's hardly isolation? We are also permanent members of the UN Security Council.

    Then there's centuries of world trading links, not least with the City of London. And the English language and time-honoured institutions give us valuable scientific, educational and cultural links.

  • Our defences are secured by what are accepted to be the best fighting forces in the world. They are bolstered by NATO which keeps the British Government in charge of its own decisions. And as a final resort, we have an independent nuclear deterrent.

  • Freed from the shackles of Europe, a sovereign Parliament can make laws for the benefit of the British people not Brussels. We could have the standards of animal welfare we want. We could repeal any costly or cumbersome EU legislation.

    At the very least we would regain our ability to vote out unpopular lawmakers.

    Don't forget we governed our own affairs for centuries before we joined the EEC.

  • We could co-operate with the rest of the world - but from a position of strength. (Oddly, current EU agreements only favour co-operation in between governments in some areas as a last resort, and even then it has to be under the interfering eyes of the European Commission).

  • Under the rules of the Maastricht Treaty, Britain is committed to run its economy of the benefit of the EU as a whole - and not the British people. We have no power to veto punitive and costly 'Single Market' legislation. We are bound not to oppose economic and monetary union (EMU) - in fact, legally the British government is committed to the goal of a single currency and the abolition of the Pound. As our opt-out is only temporary, the European Commission laughingly refers to us as a "pre-in".

    It is only by leaving the EU that we stand to keep our currency and regain the ability to choose an economic policy that is best for Britain.

It's only a lack of political will that's holding us back?

Set Britain free for a real future.

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who stock works explaining our alternatives.

*FOOTNOTE: 1997 figures are 50:50 but the EU figure is swelled artificially by goods registered as going to the ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam; these goods are in fact in transit to other destinations.

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Date this page updated: 2 January 1999; link updated: 4 January 2006