The EU Council of Ministers agreed a provisional Treaty at the IGC Summit in Nice between 7/10 December 2000. The Treaty is subject to ratification, so please check for updates.
We can advise the intent that some decision-making power is to be surrendered
from national level to EU level, and that some of the proposals open up sinister
possibilities given the EU's past ability to be creative in packaging measures
(e.g. Working Time) in categories with no veto.
Our state-of-the-art Q + A sheet analyses very recent proposals and should be up-to-date on key issues; here is a round-up of the main links for proposals and analysis. (Adobe Acrobat needed to read some documents).
The 'Stop Press' site for the Nice European Council
- Provisional Treaty added 14.12.00. (SN 533/00). The write-ups ('Presidency conclusions') are lengthy, very glowing and need proper analysis
- Summit proposals advanced at 7 December - CONFER 4810/00, 109 pages. Earlier IGC proposals and reviews are listed below for reference to illustrate EU and counter-thinking
Key - and quite representative - proposals as at 3 November 2000.
- CONFER 4790/00 Progress report on the IGC on institutional reform. Used in our Q + A sheet, 19 Nov. (Minor revisions followed in CONFER 4795/00)
'EU Observer' website - in Denmark but in English language
- One of the most comprehensive - and critical - news services
European Commission:- current treaty clauses are in [brackets]
- COM(2000) 434 final - Proposals for a basic Treaty, 12 July
- COM(2000) 114 final - QMV in Single Market, tax and social security
- DOC/00/27 - Proposals for a European Public Prosecutor and Corpus Juris
(A.k.a. COM(2000) 608 final)
- Contains a history of negotiations. Also papers advocating the loss of
national veto (extension of majority voting)
- CONFER 4770/00 50 areas for QMV
- CONFER 4708/00 Contributions to pensions funding (2.5). EU job fund (2.1)
- CONFER 4709/00 Admits most energy policies are already covered by Single
Market/trade policy
- CONFER 4707/00 QMV on taxation. Loopholes here!
- CONFER 4764/00 A Statute for European Political Parties
- CONFER 4776/00 Absence of border controls [67]
- CONFER 4776/00 VAT. Tax extensions in the name of 'the environment'.
'Anti-fraud' measures [93]
- CONFER 4776/00 Measures to improve transport safety [71] . Big Brother for
- CONFER 4776/00 Freedom of movement for pensioners [42]
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU:- agreed at Biarritz, 15 Oct 2000
- Text for declaration at Nice. NB: This is the EU's rights, including any those it may allocate or withdraw from you. Reviews below may be of slightly earlier though similar versions
- Proposals reviewed by Daniel Hannan MEP.
- Proposals reviewed by UKIP.
- Discussion held by the Federal Trust
European Parliament Proposals
- Nice Treaty and Charter of Fundamental Rights (EU Constitution?)
- A worst case of 'more power to the EU' reviewed on Colin Bullen's website.
Christopher Booker – on Centre for Policy Studies website
- The federalist hard core struggles for an integration fast lane
Federal Trust website study_group_firstreport.htm
- UK position reviewed (including support for European defence identity)
- UK position on QMV (read "giveaways")
European Peoples' Party (Tories' federalist allies) website
- Common policies are not working as IGC negotiations stall
The Times' website
- A national newspaper's look at some issues. See Martin Fletcher's 'Talking Point'.
Archive: Reviews of earlier proposals as at 14.11.00
New Alliance Q+A, first edition
- How the proposed Treaty affects the British public. Government stance examined
Christopher Mowbray/DM Richmond's look at key areas with key texts
- Proposals on suspending voting rights, vetoes, political parties; also for a European Public Prosecutor
This page updated: 14 December 2000
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